Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Lake House

Have you ever tried to explain to someone why you love a movie?

Sometimes it works out SO well.  They really get the concept of the movie that you are explaining and everything just fits.

Then you fall in love with The Lake House and no one understands what you are talking about.

And really, why would they?  Two people are able to write letters back and forth even though they are separated by two years.  What connects them?  The lake house that they both lived/are living in.

It is such an amazing story of love, friendship, loss and learning to trust in timing...which is a weird concept, but it is true.  Sometimes it is about letting go and sometimes it is about holding on for all it is worth.

I couldn't fall asleep tonight.  I don't really know why, maybe it is because I have been staying up far too late this week doing all sorts of things for school.  And so, in order to cope with my need to be awake, I watched The Lake House.

Most people don't understand why I love it.  But well, don't knock it til you try it, okay?

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know people were hatin' on this movie! My mom and I love it. Enough to buy it, which is kind of unheard of in our family.
