Saturday, March 9, 2013

Don't You Worry Child

Once again, I am posting about a song.  In case you didn't figure it out by now, music is probably my number one form of Media.  It is my go-to when I am having a crappy day, or a most excellent adventure, or anything in-between.

But I digress.

For the longest time I had NO idea what the lyrics were to this song.  I just liked it because it was SUPER boss to dance to in the car.  No joke, it would come on the radio and I would turn the music up as loud as I could stand it and dance like no one was watching.

And then, one day, I heard the radio know, the little people who secretly live inside the radio of my car and tell me all about the music I am listening to.  Those people.  Glad we are all on the same page.  Anyway, the radio munchkins were telling me about this song and how THEY had just figured out that the lyrics were "Don't you worry, don't you worry child, see Heaven's got a plan for you.  Don't you worry Don't you worry now."

AWESOME, right?

Isn't it so true, though?  We don't need to worry, because Heavenly Father has a plan for us.  We may not see it all right now, but He does have a plan.  It may take a lot of heartbreaks and bumps along the road, maybe some wrong turns on our part and figuring out the path, but as long as we trust in Him we can never go wrong.

Now you are going to love this song too, I just know it.


  1. I love this song. I bought the original version (twice as long as the radio edit) and my brother and I are having an edit war to see who can make a better mix with it. What more could you want than great sound and great lyrics?

  2. I love this song as well! And that is really interesting. I knew a few of the lyrics but now after reading them and thinking about it more, I love the song even more!
