Saturday, September 19, 2009

A loss...

Goodness Gracious! It is always amazing to me the different things that affect people. Today I watched the first home game of the season here in Cougar Town. And yes, we lost. The sad part for me, however, wasn't the loss, but the fact that the "fans" weren't willing to sweat it out with the team. I could not believe the number of people who left the game early...not that that is a bad thing, but I would like to believe that a "fan" is someone who stands by their team through good times and bad. And so I stayed until the end of the game. I stayed and watched my team lose. I stayed and realized how much it stinks to be on the losing end of the cheering that goes on at a football game. I stayed, and I hope you did too. I'm not going to be cliche and say that the team needed this, or that we can all learn a valuable lesson. I just hope my team comes out stronger next week and better for their loss. I hope that we as Cougar fans can learn how to be good sports. I hope, in all honesty, that we win, but that we win as good sports.