Sunday, November 15, 2009

Christmas Music

So...I have something to admit. I have been listening to Christmas music since before Halloween. It started with my lovely roommate who for a week or so had an obsession with a Christmas CD--it was all she listened to. So, I gradually started listening to Christmas music. Normally, this is not the case. Up until this year, I have been a staunch "Christmas music shouldn't be played before Thanksgiving" kind of girl. But I rather like this new obsession with Christmas music. It means that every day as I am studying for a test or wasting time on Facebook, I am also listening to music that is all about the birth of Christ. I have started realizing that this is not such a bad thing--I am taking more time to think about my Savior and the impact that He has had on my life, about my goals and where they are taking me, and about just how loved I really am. So, even once Christmas is long past and a new year has started, I think that every once in a while I am going to turn off the Rascal Flatts or Michael Buble, and take some time to listen to something spiritual and ponder.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Me and my sexy man voice is that time of year again! For some reason, every winter I get sick at least once. Not just a cold mind you, but a cold with an insane cough, or whooping cough (yup, that made my entire junior year one big adventure let me tell you!), or this year, I have been lucky enough to get bronchitis. However, along with the coughing, the sleepiness and the general feeling of icky-ness, I am almost always lucky enough to get what I like to call my "sexy man voice." My roommate says I sound more like a goose, but I'm sticking with "sexy man voice." See, my voice drops like, I don't know, three octaves, and then it squeaks every so often. Awesome, right? See, there's always a silver lining...even if it is just being able to say that I've got my sexy man voice back! And if none of this makes sense...don't blame me, blame the cough medicine.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I miss the days when I knew that dinner would be at six and that I wouldn't have to be the one making it. I miss home cooked meals. I miss the way that my family would all come together and eat, we would talk about our day, about school or work or whatever. Sunday dinners are the best because that is when we would talk about what we learned in church. I miss hearing what went on in Primary or what the lesson was about in Relief Society at home.

Now I sit in my bedroom and eat Pasta Roni while studying for a midterm, trying not to panic at the ten minutes I lost to studying while making dinner. I eat while listening to a lecture in class because I don't have time to eat my lunch before dashing off to another class or to work or wherever.

So, for all of you out there, take time to cherish those moments with your family. Maybe spend a couple more minutes around the dinner table, or talk to your mom while she makes dinner. Don't let those precious moments pass by. Because, while I LOVE my Pasta Roni, it can never replace those home cooked meals and family dinners.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A loss...

Goodness Gracious! It is always amazing to me the different things that affect people. Today I watched the first home game of the season here in Cougar Town. And yes, we lost. The sad part for me, however, wasn't the loss, but the fact that the "fans" weren't willing to sweat it out with the team. I could not believe the number of people who left the game early...not that that is a bad thing, but I would like to believe that a "fan" is someone who stands by their team through good times and bad. And so I stayed until the end of the game. I stayed and watched my team lose. I stayed and realized how much it stinks to be on the losing end of the cheering that goes on at a football game. I stayed, and I hope you did too. I'm not going to be cliche and say that the team needed this, or that we can all learn a valuable lesson. I just hope my team comes out stronger next week and better for their loss. I hope that we as Cougar fans can learn how to be good sports. I hope, in all honesty, that we win, but that we win as good sports.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Moving and Magic

You know what I hate about moving? The fact that you have to physically move things. If one day I were to get you know what I would want? The ability to make other things fly. That way, packing would be a breeze, unpacking just as easy, and I would be able to put things on all the high spots on my walls without having to stand on something tall. See, my super powers would benefit everyone. Well, mostly me, but I would also use them for good. Somehow.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I feel as if I need to explain myself. No, I do not think I am royalty. Rather, my dad does. My daddy has called me "Princess" for...well, a very long time. And I love him dearly for it. But, since I have moved out, he has started calling my other sisters "Princess." ALL of them...all five. Of course, I still am the only Princess Megan...and so I created this blog to catalog my adventures. College, writing missionaries, eating Ramen Noodles and pretending that cookie dough counts as a food group...this is my life. And the occasional crazy adventure that goes along with it!

Sunshine and Rain

Yesterday I was driving up the freeway with a dear friend, rockin' out to Demi. As we were nearing the point of the mountain...I had an epiphany. It was rainy, and the storm clouds were rolling in from the west as the sun was setting. But, there was this break in the clouds where rays of sunshine were pouring down, and the cloud was beautifully back-lit. It made me think a lot about how our Father in Heaven is like the sunshine. Even during the stormy times, we can see His hand in all we do--whether through the rays of hope that penetrate the dark storm, or just knowing that he is there, guiding the storm to help us grow the most. So, I am thankful. Thankful that I have a loving Father in Heaven who looks out for me in the stormy trials of this life. Thankful that he sends the storms that will help me grow the most. Thankful that He loves me just for being me. Amen.