Some days I just want to explode. I can't do everything. I try, I really do, but I can't do everything. So leave me alone! Do your own projects! Look it up yourself! AAARRGH!
Work is crazy. I love my job, I love the people I work with, and I love helping them. But sometimes I wonder if I am too nice. I have things I have to do too...I'm not just sitting at my desk twiddling my thumbs hoping you'll throw a project at me. Right now especially...we're trying to hire new people, so not only did I get to go through and sort all of their resumes, but I am trying to put together training and certification for them, start a new way for the office to be organized...the list goes on and on. I just can't do it today.
My bad mood started last night. In the middle of a dance on SYTYCD, Fox stopped broadcasting to my house. So I don't know how it ended...I don't know if there were mind blowing dances...and I've been cranky ever since. So, thank you Fox for killing my good mood.
On a happier note, I look super cute today. And if my brain does explode, there's only one more day before the weekend. I can make it, right?
YOU CAN MAKE IT! And as overloaded as you feel, I know you can do it-- you can do all that will get done and all that needs to get done. Somehow it always works out, and I love that. I hate the feeling of being overwhelmed though! I LOVE YOU!