Thursday, February 14, 2013

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries

Guys, I have a new media...addiction?  Obsession?  Love?

Maybe all of those fit this new youtube sensation that I stumbled upon earlier this week.

I had heard about The Lizzie Bennet Diaries, but I was skeptical.  I am a big fan of Pride and Prejudice itself as a novel (I even got a friend of mine who is a boy to read it when we were in the eighth grade.  Because I talked it up so much.) and I love the Kiera Knightly version of the movie, but the more modern retold versions are touch and go for me.

So, when I heard that there was a youtube vlog all about Lizzie Bennet, I was wary.  There was no way that it could be as good as the books, I thought to myself.

Then I watched it.

Guys, it is hilarious.  Mind you, there is cursing throughout the series so if that is something that is going to bother you, don't look in to it.

But honestly, I am in a love-hate relationship with this youtube channel.  I want to just skip ahead past the part where Lizzie whines about Darcy...but then you miss out on so much.

There is so much that makes this unique.  Instead of showing all of the characters on screen, Lizzie and her sisters (and Charlotte) act out everything that Lizzie is experiencing.  They are doing costume theatre and it is fantastic.  You see a different side of each character because you see them solely from Lizzie's point of view.  Sometimes you meet those characters later on, but some of them I have yet to meet.

If you are looking for a great break from studying, this would be it.  However, I would caution miiiight get sucked in.  You have been forewarned.

And now, my friends, the Lizzie Bennet Diaries:


  1. Okay srsly, this webseries is amazing. And I maybe stayed up until 4 in the morning watching it just so I could flipping see Darcy! And let me tell was worth it.

  2. i literally found my roommate in hysterics, falling off the couch laughing the other night. and she was watching this. she just could not stop watching! it's definitely extremely clever and a really fun way to retell the story!

  3. I do like a bit of Pride and Prejudice - I'll have to check this one out!
