Sunday, February 17, 2013

Small Enough

This is one of those songs that got me through so much on my mission.  I wish that I could say that my mission was the best time of my life.  Honestly, it wasn't.  Did I meet a lot of amazing people?  Yes.  Did it change my life?  Yes.  But it was also one of THE most difficult experiences that I have ever gone through,  My soul and body were pushed to their limits in the eleven months that I served as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  And so, I did what I always do.  I turned to music.

As I was getting ready this morning, I heard this song again.  I firmly believe in the power of music, to not only take us back to the place that we were when we first heard a song, but to also help us heal and move forward.  All day today I have been thinking about my mission, about how it changed my life and how I have changed since my mission.  I am so grateful to this song for the power of change that it brought to me.

Over and over, Mindy Gledhill sings "Oh great God, be small enough to hear me now."

How often do we feel that way?  That our Father in Heaven is so great and powerful, but that we need him to just be small enough to hear and understand us in our hour of need.

We know that he was there for others, like Mindy points out, but do we have the faith that he will be there for us now?

I can promise you that I have seen him be there for me.  Let him be there for you.


  1. Thanks for sharing! I love how honest you are about your mission. I feel like sometimes people only talk about the good times and not the really hard ones. Music has such a power to lift my spirit.

  2. I for real was going to blog about music yesterday on my blog. Obvs I didn't but we clearly think the same.
