Monday, February 25, 2013

Rise of the Guardians

Oh. My. Gosh.

You guys, this movie may have just changed my life.  And by just, I mean on Monday.  And by changed my life I mean may have become my new favorite movie.  And that is hard to do, I tell you what.

Rise of the Guardians was probably my favorite part of President's Day weekend.  And I did quite a lot during my three day joyous celebration away from school.  But to be able to go and watch a movie that was all about learning who you are was so joyous!

I loved this movie for the following reasons...

  1. It was fun!  I feel like good movies are fun movies.  They keep you engaged in one way or another.
  2. I fell in love with the characters.  No, not literally in love, though when I found out that Chris Pine was the voice of Jack Frost I might have melted a little inside...thank the heavens for Chris Pine...Anyway, I fell in love with each individual character, their personality, their quirks and passions.  Jamie!  And Sandy!  Oh goodness, if you haven't seen this, you need to.
  3. This movie made me want to find out what drives me.  I feel like sometimes I am Jack Frost.  I am going through life and school, not really knowing why I am doing so.  I need to find what makes me who I am just like Jack does in this movie.  That REALLY resonated with me.
  4. I loved the ending.  LOVED the ending.  That's all I will say.  
Go see it.  It is in the dollar theatre, so even if you hate it, you only spent a dollar on it.  Really, it is worth your time!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you liked this! I saw the preview and thought that it would be something that I either loved or hated. Now I'm looking forward to going!
