You guys, this movie may have just changed my life. And by just, I mean on Monday. And by changed my life I mean may have become my new favorite movie. And that is hard to do, I tell you what.
Rise of the Guardians was probably my favorite part of President's Day weekend. And I did quite a lot during my three day joyous celebration away from school. But to be able to go and watch a movie that was all about learning who you are was so joyous!
I loved this movie for the following reasons...
- It was fun! I feel like good movies are fun movies. They keep you engaged in one way or another.
- I fell in love with the characters. No, not literally in love, though when I found out that Chris Pine was the voice of Jack Frost I might have melted a little inside...thank the heavens for Chris Pine...Anyway, I fell in love with each individual character, their personality, their quirks and passions. Jamie! And Sandy! Oh goodness, if you haven't seen this, you need to.
- This movie made me want to find out what drives me. I feel like sometimes I am Jack Frost. I am going through life and school, not really knowing why I am doing so. I need to find what makes me who I am just like Jack does in this movie. That REALLY resonated with me.
- I loved the ending. LOVED the ending. That's all I will say.
Go see it. It is in the dollar theatre, so even if you hate it, you only spent a dollar on it. Really, it is worth your time!