Saturday, February 4, 2012

Old Spice

I love the smell of Old Spice.  For serious.  It's like the smell of amazing and attractive man and happiness all wrapped up in one.  So what have I done about this love?  Bought myself Old Spice Deodorant (it's the Fresh scent in case you were curious) so that I can smell amazingattractivemanhappiness all the time.  Oh yeah.

Best part?  Here's what the back of my deoderant says: "Contains odor-fighting 'atomic robots' that 'shoot lasers' at your 'stench monsters' and replaces them with fresh, clean, masculine 'scent elves'." Find me a lady deodorant that can do that.


  1. Oh Megan I love you. This post made me laugh and smile and think of you. I need to see you soon. Seriously.

  2. Agreed! When? Where? Should I wear Old Spice?
