Saturday, January 19, 2013

A Day-Changing Song

Have you ever had one of those days that just...suck?  Where you just hate the world and everyone in it, yourself included?

I like to think that those days don't come along very often.  That generally we are a happy-go-lucky kind of people.  That I am a happy-go-lucky kind of person.

However, I know for a fact that those bad days do happen.  That I get down on myself and that I don't like the way that I look or that I feel or whatever.  That I hate how I reacted to someone at work or that I forgot to do my reading for class.

That's when I turn to music.  I feel like there are very few things that can instantly turn my day around, but there are certain songs that can.  This song is quickly becoming one of those day-changing songs.

It started when I had to drive to my brother's fiance's bridal shower last Saturday.  The weather was terrible, I was freaking out about sliding off the road, and then this song came on.  I had never heard it before, and honestly, I fell in love!

Then, I heard it again earlier this week when I was getting ready for the day as I was listening to the radio.  It was a great way to perk up my day and help me get excited about everything that I had to do.

Now, I listen to it over and over.  It seriously makes me feel so GOOD about myself!  I love it!!

I really hope that this Britt Nicole girl knows how awesome she is for making this song.

And now, I bring you "Gold" by Britt Nicole

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