Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wanting Something You Just Can't Have

Have you ever wanted something you couldn't have? I feel like I do that a lot lately. I look at cute married couples and their cute babies and think...gee, I want that. And I KNOW that right now I can't have that. My body isn't in a place where I should even think about getting married or having kids. I'm not healthy enough. I don't know what next week is going to hold health wise. I can't get attached right now even though I desperately want to. But it is other things too. Wanting to move out so I can have my own space again. Wanting my own computer again, wanting a car, wanting a better phone than the lovely, beat upon past it's prime phone I get to use. Why all the wanting. Why am I never satisfied with where I'm at or with what I get to be blessed with. I feel like I am always just looking forward and never enjoying the moment. And so, dear void who I write to faithfully, I want you to want to listen. I want you to care. I want you to be there for me. And yet, there you are, just a void. A void of cyberspace that devours my thoughts and waits for some bored soul to come and read them. Hopefully someone who is wanting too. Wanting a friend, wanting to learn something, to grow. Who knows, right?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Adventure of the Week: Kidney Infection

Yes, you can now all be jealous, I have a kidney infection. Although I caught this one earlier than I caught the last kidney infection I had (yes, boys and girls, I have had more than one this year) and so it's not as bad. Why, you may ask, do I consider these adventures? Because they break up the monotony of my day. No, seriously they do. Without all of these doctor's visits, all I'm doing is reading and babysitting my sisters who are currently off track. My mom went to the library for me on Monday cuz I felt too darn sick to go, and since then I've read five of the books that she brought home for me. I have a problem.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Tomorrow's Adventures, and they are a-many

So here's the menu for this weekend. Be jealous my fine feathered friends. And even if you don't have feathers, be jealous. Friday Morning: Head to the doctors office to (maybe) get some answers in this puzzle of health. Later Friday Morning: Go to P-town, as those of us who are gangsta lovingly call the good 'ol Provo, where I will...see a counselor, change my major, find out if I can get back into school in January, get my life all sorted out...and it goes on and on and on, yeah. Friday evening: Hang out with my good pal Lynette and play catch up. It has been far too long and we have far too much to talk about to list it all here. But let's just say that our friendship has been one awesome adventure and I am sure that Friday will be no less. Saturday: BYU FOOTBALL!!!! Why yes, I am an addict. Is that a problem? Should I be seeing a counselor? I don't think that there is a cure. But I could re-hash for you the 2006 John Beck-Johnny Harline catch of epicality that changed the lives of hundreds of Cougar Football fans forever. Yes, yes I could. Or would you rather talk about the Miracle Bowl... I'm a freak. Then my friend Alex who I haven't seen in AGES is coming to my house and spending the night before she heads back to BYU-I. Oh, how I love adventures. Oh so much!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Today's Adventure: NOT needing surgery

That's right folks. I flew home thinking I would need surgery and found out that I won't. That's my adventure for today. Hooray!